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Spectrum Analyzers

The U3751 is an 8 GHz, portable spectrum analyzer that responds to a wide variety of demands covering production line to maintenance applications. The main unit weighs 5.6 kgs. or less and is designed to save space. The U3751 is twice as fast as the previous model, and is equipped with features such as LAN, designed specifically for the production line. Digitization of the IF section has enabled level measurements with outstanding reproducibility. Furthermore, with a three-way power supply that includes battery operation, better level accuracy, and a warm-up time of five minutes, this analyzer is easy to use in the field. As well, the U3751 includes basic spectrum analyzer measurement functions and options such as an internal tracking generator. All of these features combine to make the U3571 a portable spectrum analyzer for both factory and field use.

Spectrum Analyzers

Wireless LAN networks, cellular telephones, contactless smart cards, terrestrial digital broadcasts - all of them have become a part of our daily lives, and all of them use high-frequency wireless technology. Diversifying applications and expanding demand for communications devices have exacerbated competition in the market, placing manufacturers under pressure to reduce manufacturing costs. Makers of test and measurement equipment can support increased cost-efficiency by offering faster performance evaluations, thus reducing cost of test and equipment costs. Additionally, demand from device manufacturers has driven a trend for measuring instruments to grow smaller and lighter, so that they may be transported outside the factory, to any location where maintenance and testing work needs to be done. The U3741 is a 3GHz portable spectrum analyzer that precisely meets to these demands.

Spectrum Analyzers

Featuring DPX Technology

The RSA6100A Series will help you to easily discover design issues that other signal analyzers may miss. The revolutionary DPX spectrum display offers an intuitive live color view of signal transients changing over time in the frequency domain, giving you immediate confidence in the stability of your design, or instantly displaying a fault when it occurs. You get the functionality of a wide-band vector signal analyzer, a high performance spectrum analyzer and the unique trigger-capture-analyze capability of a Real-Time Spectrum Analyzer — all in a single package.


Characterize Radar and Pulsed RF Signals
Capture Vector Signal Parameters of Multi-Carrier 3G and 4G Systems for Offline Analysis
Analyze Time Variant Behavior of Cognitive Radio and Software Defined Radio Systems
Find Interference and Unknown Signals in Spectrum Monitoring and Surveillance
Troubleshoot RF Components, Modules, or Systems

Spectrum Analyzers

Since 1986 Rohde & Schwarz has been standing - among others - for most innovative spectrum analyzers. Their unique features have defined the state-of-the-art technology. The FSE as well as the FSIQ families are splendid examples. And now, Rohde & Schwarz continues this success with the R&S FSU spectrum analyzer.

The R&S FSU instruments are performance leaders in dynamic range, phase noise, level accuracy, and resolution bandwidth - all factors that are essential for the users' ability to design, characterize, and manufacture next-generation wireless elements. For example, the FSU phase noise specification (-155 dBc(1 Hz), typically even -160 dBc(1 Hz) at 10 MHz offset) is a significant improvement on existing tools. It supports base-station spurious signal measurements directly, where instruments with inferior specifications require elaborate rejection filters to achieve the same result. Target applications for the R&S FSU spectrum analyzer range from components such as amplifiers and filters to mobile sets and base-station modules.

The R&S FSU outperforms all spectrum analyzers (except the FSP) in GPIB applications and offers a great variety of test routines. It features GPIB, sweep and trace transfers and a 70/sec. time domain, fast ACP test routine in time domain, 80/sec manual screen refresh, a freely configurable measurement list for reduced GPIB overhead and a fast frequency counter, which means 0.1 Hz resolution in 30 ms measurement time.

Outstanding RF performance has always been the hallmark of Rohde & Schwarz spectrum analyzers. The R&S FSU spectrum analyzer continues this tradition with unmatched specifications like TOI of 20 dBm , typically 25 dBm at 2 GHz (R&S FSU3), a Phase noise of typ. -160 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 MHz offset, typ. -125 dBc (1 Hz) at 10 kHz offset, 0.3 dB total measurement uncertainty, 0.1 dB linearity error over 70 dB range, WCDMA ACLR dynamic range of 77.5 dB, WCDMA ACLR dynamic range with noise correction of 84 dB and typical sensitivity - 158 dBm (1Hz) at 1 GHz , - 140 dBm ( 1Hz ) at 46 GHz.