Your growth. Optimized


Veritas Process Automation Manager (PAM) is a service-oriented technology for workflow-enabling, automating, and integrating the many tools in your data center. PAM can centralize incoming requests, route for inputs and approvals, enforce tiered policies, and automate the service delivery - all while tracking KPIs and centrally managing process status.

Key Features

Encapsulation of single tasks or complex processes for use and reuse by others.
Role-based delegation of policy definition, process definition or execution control - allowing users in different organizations to manage their respective portions of an end- to-end process.
Delegation of on-the-fly policy decisions to authorized users across a process.
Ability to organize and publish automated processes the way each individual in the supply chain views their job.

Key Benefits

Data Center Workflow & Orchestration: Master the complexity of real-life IT administration through centralized collaboration of various IT Administrators across organizational and geographic boundaries.
Point Tool Integration & Automation: Achieve hard-cost savings through automatic execution of changes through the many Symantec, 3rd Party, and home-grown tools that comprise your unique IT process.
Enforce Standardized Processes: Create and customize business processes that are in line with your data center best practices. Manage in-flight inputs, approvals, user tasks, and point-tool automation in a reliable, repeatable, and efficient way.
Process Reporting and Metrics: Gain insight into your overall IT processes by reporting on workflow KPIs and trending. Identify and resolve bottlenecks in processes by tracking historical progress and stay up to date with management health dashboards.